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Obituaries » Alice Marie Messenger Krol

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Alice Marie Messenger Krol

September 19, 1939 - December 18, 2017

Obituary Viewed 1214 times

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When I think of my Aunt --I can say my Aunt learned how to rise above all of the adversity throughout her life. For instance the fact she never learned to drive a car yet she worked her whole life and was able to walk or get rides whenever she needed them. Wow! That alone. The fact that she did not have an education after High School and yet she learned the value of hard work and determination and set a strong work ethic for her 5 children. She was very humble and was not likely to share her feelings unless she knew you very well. The other thing I think of is that she loved to laugh (or should I say giggle) and she had quite a sense of humor. I loved her very much and will miss her. My condolences to her husband Ron Messenger and her children and grandchildren.
Posted by Kathy Krol Hatton on January 8, 2018

Family photo of all of us together.

Posted by Dianna Mullins on December 22, 2017

Every person gets a different amount of time in this life with their mothers and everyone has an entirely different relationship with them. My time with my mother got cut short and I didn’t get to have her as long as I would have liked. My years with my mom were short, but our relationship was way beyond our years. My mother was my everything. She was my best friend, my better half, and my confident. I lost way more than just my mother when she died. I lost all of these things wrapped into one. I find myself talking to my mom all of the time, hoping that she can hear me. There are so many things that I hope she knows. I miss you I miss you more than words could ever explain. I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, and I miss your hugs. There is so much I miss. There are so many things in my life that will never be the same without you. There are countless moments that I find myself saying,  "I wish my mom was here. I have accepted this is a void I will feel forever. Thank You Thank you for being the best mom. Thank you for giving me the chance to have the greatest mom I could imagine. Thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for never letting me slack on becoming the person you knew I was capable of being. Thank you for teaching me “how to be a lady (even when I had no interest in that.) Thank you for teaching me not to settle for 2nd best. You always wanted more for me. You always saw my potential. You believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.  Thanks for always being my number one fan. As I get older, I see why you taught me so many of the things you did. It makes you not being here just a little bit easier. I love you Losing you has taught me so much about life. It taught me the meaning of life, and what real love really is. They say a mother and a daughter is one of the closest relationships in the world. Losing that relationship taught me how capable I was of loving, losing, and feeling pain. You taught me the meaning of love. You loved me unconditionally, no matter what. I will always love you. I’ll always be your little girl You took so much pride in me. I was your little girl. You loved me with all of your heart and I was your baby. I will always be your baby. No matter where life takes me, I will always take a part of you with me. I will make you proud Losing you has given me purpose. I will continue to live every day for you.  I will be the best version of me. With every choice, every decision, every step I take for the rest of my life, I will honor you. I will do my best every second of every day to make you the proudest mom in heaven. Life without you is hard, and it probably always will be, but I will live this life for you momma, always.
Posted by Dianna Mullins on December 21, 2017

I'll always miss you mommy❣❣❣

Posted by Dianna Mullins on December 20, 2017

Posted by Dianna Mullins on December 20, 2017



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